1-on-1 Customized Courses

Tailored to Suit Your Career or Business Goals.
Taught by an Accomplished Professor at Your Pace.

What do you want to learn?

1 Student. 1 Professor. Classes over Zoom*.

1-on-1 Courses You Customize to Suit Your Career or Business Goals
Taught by an accomplished
professor at your pace.

1 Student. 1 Professor. Classes over Zoom*.

All Classes Are 1-on-1 over Zoom*
*Other video call (VoIP) platforms other than Zoom may be used. Myelin is a customer of Zoom and is not endorsed or sponsored by Zoom.

How You Customize Your Course

1. Speak with a Customization Specialist
Chat with a Customization Specialist
Questionnaire & Video Call

Explain your goals, professional background, and schedule. A Myelin specialist handpicks your professor to suit your needs.

Video Call with Your Professor
2. Video Call with Your Professor
Your professor tailors the syllabus

Discuss your goals & background with your professor, who asks more specific questions that are then used to construct your course.

1-on-1 Live-Video Classes
3. 1-on-1 Live-Video Classes
at your pace, tailored to your goals

Learn 1-on-1 from your professor, who provides personalized classes, feedback and mentorship so you can master the material.

Upskilling at Myelin

Upskilling at Myelin: 
Kalina's Experience

Transform Your Career at Myelin Speed

Myelin helps you master the material and achieve your professional goals in ways that conventional courses can’t.

Myelin vs.
Conventional Courses
Conventional Courses
World-class professors
Mentorship, providing you with professional guidance
Tailored syllabus, customized to match your professional needs
Perfectly fits your schedule:  Anytime. Worldwide.
1-on-1 classes so that you can master the material
Save time: syllabus can trim out material you already know or don’t need
Extensive professor input and feedback enhancing skill development
Fits your learning pace, speeds up or slows down where needed
1-on-1 Accountability, helps drive ownership of self-development

Begin your Myelin course with a

100% Tuition-Back
Satisfaction Guarantee

View Details

924+ Courses.  Infinite Possibilities.

I booked a course with Myelin because...

I recently turned my passion into a business, and it’s much more challenging than I imagined.
I'm confident in what I do, but I don’t know how to market my services successfully online.
Let’s grow your business as you learn!
As part of your coursework, your marketing professor will help you develop your business’s online presence and coach you through creating your marketing campaign.
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A software app developer position opened up at my dream company. I have the skills and experience, but it’s pretty competitive and hard to stand out.
Exciting! As part of your course and under the personal guidance of your {course name} professor, you can plan and/or develop new software that would benefit your dream company and help you shine.
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I’m retired and have a passion for astronomy. I want to explore and enjoy new areas alongside an astronomy professional at my own pace.
Ooh, a lifelong learner - welcome! Your professor will provide any foundational knowledge you need and lead you through the areas you most enjoy, ensuring you get to explore the universe to the fullest.
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I am a screenwriter with a great story that I want to sell to a studio, but I’m experiencing some writer’s block on the rewrite and could use help taking it to the next level.
We’ve got your back! Since all classes are 1-on-1, this ensures 100% of your lessons are focused on your screenplay and your goal. Your professor will go scene-by-scene with you and provide tailored tools and exercises to help you add cinematic magic to your writing. Your professor will even mentor you through the process of pitching it to studios.
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... I'm a tech marketing manager and I needto learn biology to help me move up and get a job as a biotech chief marketing officer
Myelin customization for you emphasizes the most valuable parts and eliminates the yadda yadda
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...I’m a 4th year Data Analyst looking to make the leap to Director of Analytics. There are a few key skills I need. A Masters is too time consuming, and I already know a lot of the material.
Let’s speed things up for you: Myelin courses accelerate your learning by providing 1-on-1 classes and focusing exclusively on the skills you need to get that promotion!
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I really want to pivot to a new career path, but I don't have the time or interest (or money to invest) in grad school, especially when only a couple of the classes are relevant to what I need.
Sounds like you could use a shortcut! With Myelin you take only the courses you want. You tailor them with your prof, so you can really zero in on the skills you need. This is how we cut out all the rigmarole and hoopla the grad school industry likes having you jump through.
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